Day 3: Faliures


Everyone tells me that failure leads to success. I say that myself sometimes when everything is going well for me. I’m not going to be saying that today…

I had an audition for the school musical. I spent the whole day putting stress and pressure on myself to perform well. I successfully made it through the acting portion, which I usually my weak spot. But when it came time to sing, the only thing I had confidence in doing, I bombed. I went off key singing “God Bless America” and failed to reach a note I had hit before. I felt not only embarrassed but disappointed. I had completely made a fool of myself.

An hour or two later I was home where I could sulk in private. But there was one heavy thought on my mind, “Could I have done it?” I went and warmed up my pipes and sang, hitting every note as I had rehearsed. I knew then what really happened while I was on stage.

I realized it was fear of failure that caused me to fail. I doubted myself and because of that I was not able to perform as well as I knew I could. I was then that i realized that I did not actually fail, but instead succeeded in a way I did not expect. I succeeded in finding the root of a problem I’ve for many years.

I still have more auditioning to do and more opportunities to redeem myself. Here’s hoping that I take what I learned and put it to work.

Wish me luck.





One thought on “Day 3: Faliures

  1. Failure is part of life unfortunately but next time you have an audition, think of a gigantic pink gorilla with green polka dots and you will be fine next time…

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